We are a multidisciplinary clinic, specializing in a variety of services such as Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Osteopathy, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Music Psychotherapy, Paramedic Cosmetology, and offer additional services such as Orthotics and more.
At our center, we offer a variety of Physiotherapy devices for treatments for a wide range of conditions and diseases such as back pain, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis, sciatica, lymphodema, heel spur, frozen shoulder and rotator cuff issues, sprains, strains, and other sports injuries.
Devices that are available at our clinic are Radial Shockwave Therapy, Ultrasound, Cold Laser, Compression Therapy, Infrared Bodywrap, Infrared DOME, 3D Interferential Current Therapy, and Combitron (Biomagnetic Stimulation). We also specialize in physiotherapy dry needling and manual therapy.
For Naturopathic service, we offer Vitamin injections, Intravenous Vitamin Therapy, Heavy Metal Detox, Lab testing, Ultrasonic Cavitation, Costemic Acupuncture, and more. Our Naturopathic Doctor is also licensed to operate Physiotherapy Devices.
We work with people in our community and put our primary focus on patient's health needs and care. Our clinic members whether staff or patients are always looked at as family and we are always happy to help and make everyone's experience here pleasant and fulfilling. Because we believe health should be accessible to everyone at a decent price, we always offer discounts and promotions for new and old patients for a variety of services and combinations of them.
Our practitioners are highly qualified in their field and have a combination of other medical practices which makes this a diverse and very unique environment as well as beneficial for assessments, diagnostics of conditions, diseases, disorders, and design of a treatment plan that's unique to every individual based on their medical history and situation.
Any other additional information or details about our Clinic are available on our website at theartlife.ca